I'm having an issue configuring phpunit in VS Code. The path to the phpunit.xml file is always set to -c phpunit.xml
and the output is always Could not read XML from file "phpunit.xml"
"php.executablePath": "/usr/local/bin/php",
"phpunit.phpunit": "/data/sites/html/www/current/vendor/bin/phpunit",
"phpunit.command": "\"${php}\" ${phpargs} \"${phpunit}\" ${phpunitargs}",
"phpunit.enableAutomaticRefresh": true,
"phpunit.postTask": ""
and the output is
"/usr/local/bin/php" -d display_errors=on "/data/sites/html/www/current/vendor/bin/phpunit" -c phpunit.xml --teamcity --colors=never --filter "(^(Specs_Module_Helper_Test::test_getNewFileName(\s.*)?)$)"
I don't want to remove the ${phpunitargs}
from the command cause I want all the args except -c phpunit.xml
I just want the -c phpunit.xml
path to correctly point to my phpunit.xml configuration.
My phpunit.xml file is located at ./tests/php/phpunit.xml
relative to my working directory.
Any help is greatly appreciated.