This software is the single greatest addition to my hobby of pretending like I am a capable coder! So read my question from the perspective that I assume I am asking a wizard if in addition to levitation he can also be invisible. Don't be offended or like i am selling the application short if it does not do this, I just didnt' want to continue life doing what I am doing if it INDEED did do the following thing. 😂
I have 3 php classes that all do very similar things but have core slight differences.
So manually I can examine the three classes and refactor a fourth service class to do the common things that allow for variables to be submitted as parameters and dynamically do the common tasks for each of the three classes.
I basically am pulling 3 external API endpoints and saving all three to my own database. Each of the three require their own manipulators etc...
My question is, is there a refactoring where I can tell it something magical like "Refactor these three files and create common functions to service all three to eliminate duplicative code," type thing.
OR is this strictly something that I as the coder need to manually recognize and refactor myself.
I assumed the latter, but was just curious if I was missing something that this amazing application would do for me!