I downloaded the source for Rainbow Braces and changed the following file:
Added 'Phalanger' to line 118.
Then recompiled the extension and reinstalled and it works.

Code below for anyone else that wants to use it.



using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Classification;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;

namespace RainbowBraces
    [ContentType("SQL Server Tools")]
    public class CreationListener : IViewTaggerProvider
        internal IClassificationTypeRegistryService _registry = null;

        internal IViewTagAggregatorFactoryService _aggregator = null;

        internal IClassificationFormatMapService _formatMap = null;

        private bool _isProcessing;

        public ITagger<T> CreateTagger<T>(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
            // Calling CreateTagAggregator creates a recursive situation, so _isProcessing ensures it only runs once per textview.
            if (!IsSupportedBuffer(textView, buffer) || _isProcessing)
                return null;

            _isProcessing = true;

                ITagger<T> result = buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty(() => new RainbowTagger(textView, buffer, _registry, _aggregator, _formatMap)) as ITagger<T>;
                (result as RainbowTagger)?.AddView(textView);
                return result;
                _isProcessing = false;

        private static bool IsSupportedBuffer(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer)
            bool result = false;

            if (textView.TextBuffer == buffer) result = true;

            // Sticky scroll container is allowed for colorization.
            if (textView.Roles.Contains(CustomTextViewRoles.StickyScroll)) result = true;

            // Inline diff editor is allowed for colorization. (but before and after codes are mixed and can looks weird)
            if (textView.Roles.Contains(CustomTextViewRoles.InlineDiff)) result = true;

            // Allow REPL text view for scripts.
            if (textView.Roles.Contains(CustomTextViewRoles.Repl)) result = true;

            // HTML/WebForms textview don't use HTML buffer but only HTMLProjection or WebFormsProjection.
            if (IsSuportedHtmlTextBufferContentType(textView.TextBuffer.ContentType) && IsSupportedHtmlContentType(buffer.ContentType))
                result = true;

            return result;

            static bool IsSuportedHtmlTextBufferContentType(IContentType contentType)
                bool result = false;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("HTMLProjection")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("WebFormsProjection")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("html-delegation")) result = true;             

                return result;

            static bool IsSupportedHtmlContentType(IContentType contentType)
                bool result = false;

                if (contentType.IsOfType("HTML")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("Basic")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("CSharp")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("PHPProjection")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("Phalanger")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("WebForms")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("LegacyRazorCSharp")) result = true;
                if (contentType.IsOfType("html-delegation")) result = true;                

                return result;

    Hi John,

    Thank you very much. May I ask you to make a pull request on github of the Rainbo Braces? This is their regression, it has worked in the past.

    I wonder if this extension is also responsible for native brace colorization in Visual Studio, would be great if it worked for PHP by default. I will have to take a look at it.

    FYI: The settings in VS2022 is in Options Text Editor | General


      6 days later

      Hi John,

      I took a liberty to do the pull request. I hope that's fine.

      We will try to find out how to extend the native support as well.

      Thank you!

        6 days later

        Hi there,

        Sorry I didn't see your message.

        Thanks for doing the submission to GitHub.

        Kind regards,


          No problem, thank you for bringing this to our attention.

            3 months later
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