Hi since today i have a Problem with the PHP Language Server in VSC.
It is starting and dann Connection got closed. Server will restart, But after some tries i get Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.
Here is the Output in VSC:
[Info - 11:08:48 AM] PHP Language Server Started (PID: 89056)
[Info - 11:08:48 AM] Parsing phar file /home/user/path/to/project/composer.phar ...
[Info - 11:08:59 AM] Loaded 56 package(s) from cache in 00:00:10.0700543.
[Info - 11:08:59 AM] Processing packages in /home/user/path/to/project/vendor/composer/installed.json ...
[Info - 11:08:59 AM] Processing done in 00:00:00.0119731.
[Info - 11:09:12 AM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
[Info - 11:09:13 AM] PHP Language Server Started (PID: 92761)
[Info - 11:09:13 AM] Parsing phar file /home/user/path/to/project/composer.phar ...
[Info - 11:09:22 AM] Loaded 56 package(s) from cache in 00:00:08.1864990.
[Info - 11:09:22 AM] Processing packages in /home/user/path/to/project/vendor/composer/installed.json ...
[Info - 11:09:22 AM] Processing done in 00:00:00.0171460.
[Info - 11:09:50 AM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
[Info - 11:09:51 AM] PHP Language Server Started (PID: 93924)
[Info - 11:09:51 AM] Parsing phar file /home/user/path/to/project/composer.phar ...
[Info - 11:10:22 AM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
[Info - 11:10:22 AM] PHP Language Server Started (PID: 93986)
[Info - 11:10:23 AM] Parsing phar file /home/user/path/to/project/composer.phar ...
[Info - 11:10:40 AM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
[Info - 11:10:41 AM] PHP Language Server Started (PID: 94029)
[Info - 11:10:41 AM] Parsing phar file /home/user/path/to/project/composer.phar ...
[Error - 11:10:52 AM] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.
On Friday everything was working fine. I dont have any clue whats changed.
Maybe somebody has an idea.