pre-release 1.25.11728
improves the memory efficiency, we'd appreciate it if you'll try it and let us know if it helps.
Although; it doesn't fix the problem of thousands of files being (unnecessarily) parsed.
pre-release 1.25.11728
improves the memory efficiency, we'd appreciate it if you'll try it and let us know if it helps.
Although; it doesn't fix the problem of thousands of files being (unnecessarily) parsed.
JurgenMahn @MauroSassaroli @d8vjork @Murz
Thank you all for your feedback! and sorry for the inconvenience.
We have released Pre-Release 1.32.12908
which fixes the memory leak. It was happening every time a .phar
file was added/updated within the workspace.
Please update to the pre-release. It should improve memory usage significantly. We'll keep working on improving memory usage continuously.
I'm having same issue on Visual Code server on Ubuntu Server machine.
PHP devsense extesions takes up to 13++GB of ram.
Consider that I'm co-working on a Prestashop project (there's large amount number of files)
The machine has 16GB total ram, but it's dedicated to only this project.
It saturates the RAM and SWAP, then freezing machine that needs to be manually rebooted.
I was forced to disable the extension in order to continue working on the project.
Is there a way to limit the ram usage of your extension?
Versions I'm using: VS Code 1.89.1, PHP devsense 1.46.15409, Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS
MicheleDiana Thank you for posting the issue.
13 GB is way too much. Does it happen gradually during your work or quickly (5 minutes) after opening a workspace?
JakubMisek On Ubuntu server, with VS Code server off, there's 3GB occupied. Then I start on my client the remote SSH connection, and it starts filling RAM. The process that occupies memory is the devsense php vscode extension. It fills until RAM saturates. Like getting all space available. I've rebooted server multiple times, nothing changed. If I kill the process from machine terminal, then the RAM drop down to 3/4GB instantly, then after a few seconds the process is restarted and goes back to occupying all the available RAM as before (like a keep alive feature). The only way to overcome this behavior is to disable the extension. I've even tried to uninstall and install all devsense extesions again (server side and client side), but nothing changed.
MicheleDiana Thank you for the details.
It may be caused by the amount of files being loaded to RAM (but it would have to be a million files) ...
So it's probably a bug :/ We'll try Prestashop ... is there anything specific to the project we should try?
JakubMisek Maybe not million, but there's lots of files... little files, but many of them. Consider that the core uses Symfony, and there's lots of dependencies.
No, I've encountered RAM issue even on fresh installation, without working on it.
I haven't told you that, like in the screenshot shared by Mauro Sassaroli on this thread, on startup it processes a number of files very big, and it keep processing for like 1 min.
MicheleDiana the latest update (1.47) improves the RAM use. We'll keep working on it.
Here is happening the same, just with Drupal and Prestashop projects.
FranL May I ask how much memory does it consume?
In my case, the current drupal Project is using about 2Gb, can't take more because Docker + Chrome are using the rest of RAM and Swap is full and hangs up.
FranL Thank you for the details!
2GB is within the expected range; so it's not a bug.
But - we're continuously working on lowering the memory usage.