JakubMisek thank you
i am not sure now:( because i have uninstalled the VSCode from my machine after testing, rm -rf
ed the ~/.vscode-server
from all of our VPSes, and told my collegues not to use the extension so it wouldn't crash our servers (the 100% cpu usage happeend more times, i just had time to look at the problem this weekend)
regarding the folders, when testing for the first time i did open and close folders while browsing the server, but i am pretty sure that when i re-tried doing it after restarting the server more times it was enough just to connect to the server (and i had a random .php file from one project folder pre-opened)
to try to simulate the environment - the tested VPS in question i ssh'd to was Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-117-generic x86_64)
, 2 Intel vCPUs, 4 GB RAM. it is a vps managed on forge, so there is one forge
user that holds (mostly laravel, some basic php projects) in structure `/home/forge/{domain}/. this user is also the user users login as via ssh