Today I have installed the latest version of PHP Tools add-on into Visual Studio 2019 - 1.75.18611.
In this version you anouncing new feature "Optimized Loading and Memory Use". So you are caching
composer.lock file and all PHP code in the ./vendor folder. Ugh, OK.
I understand that this is definitely a huge speedup and why you did it. Cool.
But please - you've forgotten about the many developers of Composer packages!
And not only those. At our company, we develop modular applications that use many
packages that depend on each other and are in the Satis private package system,
from which we load them into main app by Composer. This is all standard procedure
for developing private PHP applications with Composer.
In the Composer documentation, you will normally find that it is possible to not download packages to the vendor folder only
from packagist.org, but also from a local server or local folder. Composer then
create a symlink to the sub-package folder when updating the main app by composer update.
This is very convenient when developing packages and I would say essential.
You also need to work in the context of the main application inside vendor folder.
If I were to develop the package by putting it somewhere in another project, outside of the main application, in a folder,
which is symlinked by Composer to the main application in the vendor folder, then PHP Tools doesn't understand the
application context, because all is outside of the main application and the whole thing crashes and cannot be developed!
So the latest version has disappointed me in that all files in the ./vendor folder are locked and read-only!
Very bad for us. I have installed the previous version so far. But how to solve it?
We need certain folders in the company for package development not to be read-only!
Please is it possible to enable this for some subfolders in the ./vendor folder with some configuration
in the *.phpproj project file? Or would it be possible to have some dialog somewhere in Visual Studio,
where I can enter the list of paths I need to edit?
Thank you very much for the answer, I will possibly explain more over email or personally.
Tomas Flidr