The following shows when I'm checking the default AppView class of a 4.2 CakePHP app
Class App\View\AppView does not implement abstract methods:
function dispatchEvent(string $name, array|null $data = null, object|null $subject = null)
function setEventManager(\Cake\Event\EventManagerInterface $eventManager)
function getEventManager()PHP(PHP2414)
keyword extends
Classes are extended using the keyword 'extends'. This defines a parent class.
I have checked that said methods are implemented in the \Cake\View\View class using a trait ¿Do I have to do something else for this to work? I have installed the extension in VS Code and have installed the cakedc/cakephp-phpstan dev package in composer and also added the - vendor/cakedc/cakephp-phpstan/extension.neon line to the phpstan.neon file. Aside from that the file in particular doesn't have special annotations, so I was wondering if there is a way to make the extension acknowledge the trait method.