I saw in the change logs that PHP Tools has support Laravel Blade since 1.44.14925. I am using 1.44.14997, but it seems that my .blade.php files are still treated as plain PHP files, and the template syntax is not highlighted, though the PHP syntax inside them gets Intellisense.

What should I do to enable the Blade support? I cannot find options related to blade in vscode preferences. I also tried switching to the pre-release version but it still doesn't work.

    Thank you for the question.

    Currently, this is the initial blade support we have

    • [x] colorization of blade tags
    • [x] colorization of PHP code inside tags, inside @php, inside <?php
    • [x] IntelliSense of PHP code, and inside PHP tags
    • [x] Code actions for PHP code


    • [x] code formatting
    • [x] Blade tags code completion
    • [ ] Blade snippets
    • [x] outlining

      JakubMisek Hello! Could you see the screenshot I attached? The blade tags (e.g. @foreach ... @endforeach) are not colorized.

        This depends on your Color Theme.

        Currently, tags (@foreach,@php, ...) have the same color as PHP opening tags (<?php) which is defined by your selected Color Theme.

        We can change the color though if it doesn't work for you.

          Balthild Would you prefer a different color? We are thinking about the same color as used for keywords.

            3 months later

            DavidM Implemented. New colors will be in the next update. Thanks!

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