After updating to version 1.45.15061, phpunit always says test not found.
1.44.14997 is fine.
After updating to version 1.45.15061, phpunit always says test not found.
1.44.14997 is fine.
ivan88217 Thank you for reporting the issue.
I guess, the Test Explorer is also empty?
Do you have any errors (red) in the Developer Console? (Help -> Toggle Developer Tools -> Console)
What version of PhpUnit do you use?
I solve this issue by clicking the refresh button at Test Explorer.
But I have to click every time when I reopen vscode or still has issue.
1.44.14997 doesn't have this issue
PhpUnit version 9.6.15
before refresh
ivan88217 Thank you very much for the details - we'll look at it.
ivan88217 We have found the bug and preparing a fix for the upcoming update.
This started happening after a vscode update.
Fixed in pre-release, thanks!
Fixed! thank you