I'm not sure how I can test to see the all the differences between PHPTools Laravel formatting and Laravel Pint, but Laravel pint is installed by default in any new app.
One thing is this: (php format->Laravel)
if ($request->user()->isDirty('email'))
$request->user()->email_verified_at = null;
now formatted with pint
if ($request->user()->isDirty('email')) {
$request->user()->email_verified_at = null;
I really miss the 'Create view' and goto view (I have found a extension for goto view)
Also the generation of factory and pest/phpunit is a big miss
Not sure what I am missing, but model autocompleting is not working.

have a look at this where I fetch a model

I do not have any property called namespace, null or user_name on the model.
Laravel Idea have function to generate helper code, I do not see that in PHPTools - Sure I can install the ide-helper package, but the PHPTools installation does not mention that it needs any helper packages :)
I also REALLY miss the auto import of classes.
Also auto complete of blade or livewire components i really missed