The Debug Tests button adds to ${phpargs} -d display_errors=on -d xdebug.mode=debug -d xdebug.client_host= -d xdebug.client_port=9003 -d xdebug.start_with_request=1

I need to customize this set or customize the whole command which the button fires.

In the dropdown near the button at allows to select a profile. Maybe that is what I need? But where can I edit those profiles?

    vonGruz Thank you for the question.

    Currently, the PHPUnit Test Explorer does not have profiles; To customize the command, please use the setting phpunit.command. The string command can have the following variables:

    ${phpunit} - will be replaced with phpunit binary path
    ${phpunitxml} - will be path to corresponding phpunit.xml
    ${phpunitargs} - the default arguments we provide
    ${php} - path to php executable
    ${phpargs} - the default arguments for php we provide
    ${cwd} - current working directory

    I'll update the documentation accordingly.

    "phpunit.command" is by default the following:
    "\"${php}\" ${phpargs} \"${phpunit}\" ${phpunitargs}"

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