In Laravel blade block comment is html like <!-- instead of {{--

If I install a blade formatter extension from the store, it work with comments, but breaks your @use directive support.
If I leave only Devense, then then I cannot comment in blade using the correct syntax

I think it's because your extension treats blade as PHP files, and it can have either html or php comment. While other extesions create own language for Blade. And when it's treated as blade, your extension doesn't work, that's why @use doesn't work. And other blade extensions don't work as well, for example I cannot use components like <x-mycomponent autoload provided by other extensions.

    vonGruz Thank you for reporting the issue.

    May I ask for a code sample? In blade, both <!-- and {{-- should work. The first one has priority I think.


      You have asked about examples, I tried several files and in some it works.
      Here it works

      <div class="main-grid-box container-fluid m-0 p-0 rounded {{ $wrapperClass ?? '' }}">
          <div class="jpager-wrapper">
              <div class="jpager ui-paging-info"></div>
          <table id="datagrid_{{ $scope }}" class="jqgrid-table " style="width: 100%"></table>
          <div id="datagrid_{{ $scope }}_pager" class="jqgrid-pager" style="width: 100%"></div>
      <input id="noRecordMessage" type="hidden" value='{{ NO_RECORD_MESSAGE }}' />
      <div id="outsideLimitMessage" class="message-box"></div>

      Here is comments like HTML

      <!-- resources/views/forms/form.blade.php -->
      @props(['formFields' => []])
      {!! $renderForModal ? '<template>' : '' !!}
      @if ($showFormTagOnRender)
          <form {{ $attributes }} >
          $modelBodyStarted = false;
      @if ($renderForModal)
              $extractedFields = [];
              foreach ($formFields as $fieldName => $formField) {
                  if (in_array($fieldName, ['header', 'submit', 'cancel'])) {
                      $extractedFields[$fieldName] = $formField;
              $header = Arr::pull($extractedFields,'header');
          @if ($header)
          <div class="modal-header {{ $formField->get('modalHeaderClass', 'border-0 pb-0') }}">
              <div class="modal-title">
                  @include('forms.form-group', ['formField' => $header])
      <div class="modal-body pt-0">
          @each('forms.form-group', $formFields, 'formField')
      @if (!empty($extractedFields))
          <div class="modal-footer border-0  pt-0">
              @each('forms.form-group', $extractedFields, 'formField')
      {!! $showFormTagOnRender ? '</form>' : '' !!}
      {!! $renderForModal ? '</template>' : '' !!}
      <!-- resources/views/forms/form.blade.php -->

      BUT! I tried removing the and writing all from scratchs - it doesn't work.
      I copied the file, renamed it and it starts to work. It's something with the file name?
      I'm confused :-)

      Some index maybe?

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