
I have updated to the latest version (1.84.20575) and it seems to have broken intellisense again.

It's quite frustrating that this has happened to me a few times now when updating to the latest version.

Is there a way of getting to the root cause, or is there some button you can create that I can run that will do a check of all settings, reset any caches or whatever is required to restore functionality?

FYI, I have reverted to version PHP.VS.1.83.20414.2022 and the Intellisense works again.



JohnWhiteman Thank you for reporting this. We'll try to fix it asap and avoid a similar issue in future.

    JohnWhiteman I think there is a corrupted cache, the autocomplete should work in 1.84 and composer package "filament/tables": "^2.17" correctly:

    Please try to delete the following directory, and re-load your project:


    If it solves the issue, we'll try to fix it within the next update.

      JohnWhiteman even after reloading the project?

      Do you have a tooltip over ::make( ? or tooltip over TextColumn ?


        I don't have the time to reinstall the plug-in to try again and then revert to the old one.

        All I can tell you is that the 1.83.20414 version works and the latest doesn't for some reason.

        What do you mean by 'reloading the project'? I am currently just installing the new version and opening the project as normal.

        Is there something else I need to do?

          JohnWhiteman I understand, I appreciate the information.

          Add re-loading - just closing and opening the Solution or Visual Studio.

          I'll do more tests hopefully reproducing the issue.

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