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I'm debugging a Laravel project with PHP Tools Debugger in vscode and it's repeatedly pausing on exceptions within the AuthServiceProvider class.
I already have disabled exceptions in the debugger settings.
Additionally, I added this ignore pattern to the launch.json -
"ignore": [
Is there something else I need to do to disable exceptions on this particular file?
Here's the error:
"Uncaught ReflectionException: Class "App\Policies\ModelPolicy" does not exist in Command line code:1
Stack trace:
#0 Command line code(1): ReflectionClass->__construct('App\\Policies\\Mo...')
#1 [internal function]: {closure}('App\\Policies\\Mo...', 'App\\Model')
#2 Command line code(1): array_map(Object(Closure), Array, Array)
#3 {main} thrown"