JakubMisek That is unfortunate and seems like a pretty big oversight (just my opinion of course).. I was surely hoping it was there and would only be a single line comment like
// @php-ignore
// @ignore
// @ignore PHP0123, PHP4567
For example i have some code that creates defines dynamically
$thing = 'THING';
define(SOME_' . $thing .'_DEFINED', 'whatever');
Then anytime i use SOME_THING_DEFINED
it throws for undefined constants (assuming because it is not defined literally so it cant find it). Either way there are a few things where i do stuff with custom functions that it doesnt recognize as well. Having a simple way to ignore things would just be helpful. I dont really expect it to handle every possible thing a user can conjure up which is why i would have surely thought there was a way to ignore things.
I know projects are a lot of work and things get added as the developers get time and decide what they want to work on so i do appreciate the effort in the project and glad you have it on the roadmap at some point. I'll look for some other alternatives for now and maybe come back to this later down the road.
Thanks for the quick responses and answers as well!