Ever since switching to the new version ( v1.48.15635 ) the extension cannot seems to find any of our objects in the project wether they come from classes inside the src folder or the vendor through composer
We are using symfony 5.4 on php 8.1, going back to v1.47.15512 fixes everything

Is there something new to setup in the new version so we can upgrade or is it an unresolved issue ?

Thanks you

Drowneed Thank you for reporting the issue.

This should not happen, and there is no additional setup necessary.

May I ask what is in your OUTPUT / PHP Language Server?

Does it help running the command (View -> Command Palette) Clear /vendor/ cache ... ?

    7 days later

    I can confirm this is happening for me with Symfony in VSCode using v1.48.15635

    I rolled back to v1.47.15512 and it's working as expected.

    "(View -> Command Palette) Clear /vendor/ cache" did not help.

    OUTPUT / PHP Language Server:

    PHP Tools server started.
        PID: 15936
        Processing files: *.php; *.phtml

      WilliamSmithEdward Thank you for the information.

      PHP Tools server started.

      <-- is from an older PHP extension. The output should be different with the version 1.48

        JakubMisek My apologies. This is the output with version 1.48 where issue is happening:

        [Info - 12:07:37 PM] PHP Language Server Started (PID: 32876)
        [Info - 12:07:37 PM] Indexing [redacted url] (*.php; *.phtml)

          9 days later

          Drowneed I was looking for some help getting this very same issue solved and ended up here. Facing exactly the same thing as you. Also no solution so far.

          I went to great lengths at resolving this, I even rebuilt my dev-env with no luck. However I noticed that this only happens with NginX as webserver; it does not happen on Apache.

            15 days later

            MrSuddenJoy Thank you for the information.

            This won't be related to the web server itself;

            Do you use VSCode's Remote Workspace, WSL, or any 3rd party extension to open the remote server?

              18 days later

              Apologies for the late reply, I had put the extension in 1.47 and completly forgot about it

              Issue is still present in 1.49

              On my side we are just connecting to our server as it's on the same network and opening the project from there never had any issues before

              Here's the result of my output PHP Language Server :

              [Info  - 5:00:37 PM] PHP Language Server Started (PID: 28468)
              [Info  - 5:00:37 PM] Indexing (*.php; *.phtml; *.module; *.inc; *.theme)

              Let me know if I can provide you with anything else

                2 months later

                @JakubMisek Confirmed this is still happening as of 1.51.16078. Last working version was 1.47.15512

                The Symfony project is on a remote computer's file storage, accessed over Windows File Share (SMB).

                  WilliamSmithEdward Thank you for the update. I will need to think about what we need in order to fix it ..

                    Does the VSCode status bar keep displaying "Indexing ..." ?

                    EDIT: nevermind, it wouldn't underline unknown classes if it would be saying "Indexing ..."

                      3 months later

                      Hi! I know this is free software so I don't mean to pester and I appreciate the devs :) This is still a problem for me, and I would love to be able to keep up with the updates. If there's any additional information I can provide please let me know.

                        WilliamSmithEdward Hello William, please pester :) we appreciate good feedback, and anything we can improve.

                        I'm sorry this issue persists - may I ask for additional information?

                        • are you on the latest version? 1.54-ish (I guess you are)
                        • is the problem fixed by running VSCode Command from Command Palette: > Clear /vendor/ Cache ... ?
                        • are there errors in View -> Output -> "PHP Language Server" ?


                          a month later

                          Ok sorry for the double post, I dont know if and how my problem was related but i got it sorted out and replied to the other topic

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