Found another one


Notice it moved the fund attribute inline, the added space in the fund string and the new line in the disease attrbiute.

    Hi John,

    Thank you for reporting those issues. They've all been addressed in the pre-release 1.18.10878 - available now.

    If you run into anything else... you know where to find us :-)

    Thank you!

      All the class related formatting is perfect! I am loving it!

      There is one issue with formatting HTML where its loosing the indents and multiline.


      This one behaves according to the VS Code HTML formatter settings.

      You can configure it with html.format.wrapAttributes in settings.json

      • auto: Wrap when the line length is exceeded
      • force: Wrap all attributes, except first
      • force-aligned: Wrap all attributes, except the first, and align attributes
      • force-expand-multiline: Wrap all attributes
      • aligned-multiple: Wrap when line length is exceeded, align attributes vertically
      • preserve: Preserve wrapping of attributes
      • preserve-aligned: Preserve wrapping of attributes but align

      So preserve or preserve-aligned should do the trick.

      You can find the list of all settings at

      • Ray likes this.

      Ray Makes sense. I'm adding this to our list! Thank you!

      • Ray likes this.

      Sorry about the regression. The next pre-release will get rid of this one for good.

      • Ray likes this.

      Found one when braces are no applied

      Hi Ray,

      We've fixed most of the issues you've reported in the last update - one more left for the next one.

      Thank you!

        Hi Ray,

        We've fixed the last one from this thread. It's going to be available in the next pre-release version.

        Thank you!

          MiloslavBeno Thank you I will test them when available.

            Thank you! All the fixes are available in the pre-release now.

              5 days later

              Hi Ray, I'm closing this one. If you encounter an additional thing we can improve, please create a new one.


                Yes all these issues have been resolved. I have found other issues but I will create new discussions per issue.

                Thanks for all your hard work on code formatting!

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